There for you around the globe

At Renata we have 250 employees globally for your projects. Your nearest Renata office is located here. 

Headquarters Switzerland

Renata SA
Kreuzenstrasse 30
4452 Itingen

Phone: +41 61 975 75 75

Subsidiaries in Europe


The Swatch Group (Deutschland) GmbH
Hohenzollernstrasse 16
D-75177 Pforzheim

Phone: +49 6196 88777 1460

Subsidiary in North America


The Swatch Group (U.S.) Inc.
Renata Batteries Division

800 Waterford Way, Suite # 1000
USA-33126 Miami, FI


Watch-Retail and Consumer Business – Batteries
Phone: +1 786 725-5374
Phone: +1 786 725-5424

OEM Distribution, OEM Business – Batteries
Phone: +1 786 725-5444

Subsidiaries in Asia


The Swatch Group S.E.A. (S) Pte Ltd
No 2, Boon Leat Terrace #06-01/04
Harbourside Building 2
Singapore 119844

Phone: +65 9671 5101
WeChat: +65 9671 5101
What Apps: +65 9671 5101
LINE ID: +65 9671 5101

China – Zhuhai

Shanghai Qiheng Trading Co.,Ltd Zhuhai
Room 401, 4/F, Building B,
XH Technology Park, No.78 Fulin Road,
Zhuhai FTZ, Guangdong, 519000

Consumer Division
Phone: +86-21-2412 5441

Industry Division
Phone: +65 9671 5101
WeChat: +65 9671 5101
What Apps: +65 9671 5101
LINE ID: +65 9671 5101

China – Shanghai

Shanghai Qiheng Trading Co.,Ltd
6F, Metro Tower, No. 30,
Tian Yao Qiao Road Shanghai 200030, China

Phone: + 86(0)21 2412 5441

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